Mentor Spotlight: Aeron Sullivan

Mentor Spotlight: Aeron Sullivan


We remember the first time we met Aeron. It was the morning of our launch at New West Summit in San Francisco, and he had this air about him that was energizing and inspiring. Come to find out that he is a former US Marine, Canopy Boulder graduate, and building what could become the Alibaba of cannabis. When you hear him talk about his business, you start to understand how his passion and intelligence are quickly leading him to be an industry leader. 

Mentor Spotlight: Patrick Lee

Mentor Spotlight: Patrick Lee


We are very proud of our diverse mentor network. Not just talking race, but background, knowledge, and experience. We've drawn from our connections in Silicon Valley to bolster our cannabis expertise and build the strongest collective knowledge set possible for our aspiring cannabis entrepreneurs. Patrick Lee has extensive experience building products that customers love. A pretty important skill set no matter your industry, no? 

Mentor Spotlight: Debby Goldsberry

Mentor Spotlight: Debby Goldsberry


We are so lucky to have Debby, one of the industry's most dedicated advocates and recognizable faces, as a part of our mentor network. Her dispensary, Magnolia Wellness, is only a half mile from Gateway. She has become a fast friend and invaluable asset to Gateway, and every conversation we hold with Debby is eye-opening and inspiring...